• Thomas Berry – The Great Work Three Rivers Press 1999
  • Thomas Berry – The Christian Future and the Fate of the Earth Orbis Books 2009
  • Thomas Berry – The Dream of the Earth Sierra Club Books 1988
  • Thomas Berry – Evening Thoughts Sierra Club Books 2006
  • Thomas Berry – The Sacred Universe Columbia University Press 2009
  • Thomas Berry – Befriending the Earth: A Theology of Reconciliation between Earth and the Human with Thomas Clarke Twenty-Third Publications 1991
  • Thomas Berry – The Universe Story with Brian Swimme Harper SanFrancisco 1992
  • Thomas Berry – Teilhard Studies Technology and the Healing of the Earth Number 14 Fall 1985
  • Thomas Berry – Teilhard Studies Alienation in a Universe of Presence Number 48 Spring 2004
  • Herman Greene Teilhard Studies Understanding Thomas Berry’s Great Work
  • Number 41 Autumn 2000
  • Anne Lonergan, ed. Thomas Berry and the New Cosmology Twenty-Third Publications 1987